Sunday, October 25, 2009

That game was bad and you should feel bad

Goddddd we got MURDERED 54-9 by Boise State today. Seriously, shouldn't they have been too jet lagged to ream us like that? Cripes.

Luckily I have found out that none of my extended family reads this so now it may be the blog of KINGS! Damn hell ass kings!

Also, please to not be adding me on Facebook family members and friends of family members. I feel like a jerk not adding you back but I like to be able to say/link to whatever on my Facebook and with you guys being around I would have to censor my stuff. What would I do in my spare time if I couldn't post links to penis-shaped cake pans? :(

Fun fact: I originally typed "penis-shaped cake pants" which is actually way funnier than my joke.

0 kokua: