Sunday, September 6, 2009

I am a pretty pretty princess

Went shopping with my Freshie friend for SEVEN. HOURS. today for some reason. We were going to go the beach but it ended up being rainy and cloudy. I actually didn't spend very much. Most of it was watching her hunt around for an elusive pair of denim shorts, which by the way are all gone now because the fall lines are coming in. In Honolulu. All the shorts, sun dresses, sandals, etc. are going to clearance and are being replaced with boots and coats. No, really. They are.

In other news we won our pre-season game this last Friday (WARRIORS WHUT WHUT). Then on Saturday I went sailing with a dude from the team. I haven't been added to the roster yet because it requires about a metric crapload of paperwork (the list of types of forms I have to fill out has about a dozen things on it) and I'm hoping that it's not too late because I actually enjoyed it after I got over my fear of being eaten by a shark. That fear comes back when you capsize, by the way, which we did twice.

In other news, sea water tastes awful.

Thanks to everyone who sent me cards and presents. I stuck all the cards up on my gross looking cinder block wall so it's much nicer now. The less you can see of those walls, the better. I think they may have used to be white but I'm not entirely sure about that.

0 kokua: