Sunday, January 24, 2010

You win again, LVHM

Okay so after I bought almost all of the nail polishes I want (still need China Glaze's Wizard of Oz and new spring stuff, plus OPI Alice in Wonderland and then I'll be set, so I think I'm still like 7 polishes short of having everything I want) I moved on to wanting millions upon millions of lipsticks. I think it started when YSL had their first ever sale and the lipstick I wanted sold out before I got it so I started looking at all the other colors to see if there was another one I could use. It got worse when Sephora decided to stop carrying Cargo and their Plant Love Evangeline lipstick disappeared forever before I managed to snag a tube. Somewhere in there I was shown, by my boyfriend's roommate of all people, this video. Ignore the pandering of "CHEMICAL FREE" makeup (which makes me want to punch unicorns) and just watch her put on that lipstick. Yes.

So now I want lots and lots of lipstick in pretty orange and peach and whatnots. So much so that last night I had a dream. I dreamed that I went through my closet and it was filled with EVERY LIPSTICK EVER and they all looked good on me and I was so happy. Then in my dream I "woke up" and had no makeup so I went to the store but all they had were eyeshadow palettes and I haaate eyeshadow palettes. What more all the glitter was rubbing off onto everything and it was a big mess and uhggg it was horrible. That's my version of a bad dream. Really.

Oh wait I just realized I also want the LA Girl Rockstar polish set and a few from China Glaze's Rodeo Diva set, so I'm more like 15 polishes short of having all the ones I want. Kay.

See there are lots of people with weird makeup obsessions on Makeupalley, and they make me feel better about this because they are all much, much worse. For starters I don't own near as much of ANYTHING as they do and I actually use all the makeup I own. Here are some of the things that were posted today that made me feel like I can buy as much as I want and still not have a real problem... You might need to be a member to view these links but I recommend making an account so you can search the reviews there, they do reviews of bath/skincare/makeup and it's a really good way to find out of something is good before you buy it.

Anyway, this person bought more eyeshadows in one single internet order than I own at all. They're NYX so they're all only a couple of dollars each, but sheesh. This is a post of someone's lip product stash that honestly makes me very jealous. I had more than that in my dream, but still that's awesome. This stash is JUST eyeshadow palettes and nothing else. Every single one of those containers has 4-10 eyeshadows in them. This is like the sad part of my dream, actually-- they were all in a black cabinet like that and I couldn't tell what was in any of them. Psssh, palettes. You're so boring.

I told them about my dream and one girl said this week she dreamed she applied false eyelashes perfectly, something she's still trying to do in real life. I'm not alone :D

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