Monday, August 17, 2009

Om nom snail?

After the four inch slugs that came out after the rain I knew I was in for some weird bugs. That did not prepare me for the giant African land snail I saw zipping along a manhole cover a few days ago. Look at the size of these things. The one I saw was probably about that big, only way longer because he was all stretched out as he oozed along. I mean his head was at one end of this manhole and his tail was at the other. Again, I didn't know they were here because they're another purposefully introduced invasive species. The story behind these is that they were kept in the Pacific as possible reserve food for US military. Who the crap gets these half baked ideas? Mongoose eat rats and soldiers eat giant snails? Really guys?

For extra fun, one place I looked said that their mucous can transmit meningitis. DIG IN BOYS.

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