Thursday, November 12, 2009

More srs bsns

Okay on a more serious life update (which I guess is what I'm supposed to be doing here, not ranting about zombies or WoW but OH MAN YOU GUYS SHOULD PLAY ZOMBIE PANIC--) I have a new beef.* And you might be wondering if he suggest shopping and offers to hold my purse. Well, my friends, he does both of those things. He's local so he's chill and awesome and he plays WoW with me and today he helped me find resource materials for a research project. Happy Blossom :D He's great, you guys would like him a lot.

I'm also settling on medical anthropology after taking just one course on it this semester. I had solid anthropology courses, actually, and that's the one that really got me. The same prof only teaches one or two medical anth courses a semester so hopefully I can get in for at least one each time. He's really nerdy and cool and he's done field work everywhere which is great for a subject like this. Mostly he talks about when he was in South Africa or Australia but it's also come up that he's done work in various parts of the Pacific as well as Canada, China, and some other places that I can't remember off the top of my head

Goal at the moment is to get a job after graduation with the CDC in Atlanta as a public health analyst and then after a few years apply for the MPH program at Emory for Global Epidemiology. That means more biochem and microbio coursework now, eeeek! And it means I should probably be taking a language like Hindi since I want to intern at CHRP in India but I can barely fit the classes I need into my schedule with how booked up the classes are now.

Which reminds me, there is the potential for a strike at the university this academic year. I hope they do and I hope it forces the disgusting admins to do their damn job and stop trying to ream the uni for their personal benefit. I also hope it works quickly because seriously I NEED to get all my credits for every semester. N-E-E-D. If they strike and bone us out of credits it would be almost exactly the same as if they didn't strike and let the admins bone us out of credits... I hope they remember that.

*If you are still unsure what I mean, this is a nice internet thing in which we take words and make them abbreviations like "bf" and then we start writing that instead of the word. Then one day we get bored of that and we start writing words out of the abbreviations as if pronouncing the aforementioned acronym, and then it's "beef." I am going to say "beef" instead of "boyfriend" forever, by the way, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

0 kokua: