Tuesday, December 22, 2009

And Leon's getting laaarger

I'm on a plane, wee! Okay not at the time of posting, just at the time of writing. iPhones have an airplane setting that turns off all the wireless crap so you can still play games and look at your texts and stuff. Sweet!

I always get an issue of Allure when I fly, which actually sucks because it makes me want to shop and put on expensive clothes. I've begun countering this by wearing nice stuff every time I fly, but then I feel weird waiting next to all the other girls my age in their Victoria's Secret Pink matching sweats (no really, ALL) and slippers. I like to think I look less ridiculous, but I'm not entirely sure about that.

I've also decided that I am going to start wearing nicer shoes. Every time I see any discussion about outfits and people ask what you notice first, everyone always says shoes. Shoes are usually the LAST thing I consider. In fact they're usually an afterthought. So, instead of buying an assload of polishest, I'm going to buy an assload of shoes. Or just a few. Anyway I started today by wearing a pair of patent pumps with straps and four inch heels. To the airport. I AM THE GRAND MASTER HIGH HEELS. I ROLL LUGGAGE IN LUBUS.

Just kidding, they're not Lubus. I would have toe-shortening surgery before I dropped that kind of money on ostentatious footwear... Which means never by the way, just in case you think I should get toe-shortening surgery. In which case, screw you, I like my monkey toes.


Hello from cold-ass Chicago! Check out the airport:

It's really coming down. I hope my flight to Austin isn't delayed or called off completely. The good news is that there's a mcdonalds right next to my gate and it's breakfast tiiime!!

Xxxx- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone because I am a consumer whore.

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